Shabbat Services & Daily Minyan


 Shabbat Evening and Morning Services and Sunday Minyan are all multi-access: both in person and online on Zoom.

Weekday morning and evening minyan services are online on Zoom.
To come online, check your Shabbat Preview email or contact the office for the Zoom link. Kabbalat Shabbat is also livestreamed to our Facebook page.

Kabbalat Shabbat – Friday Evening Services

  • Shabbat Alive – First Friday of the month – 6:30p.m.
  • Kabbalat Shabbat – All other Fridays – 8:00p.m

Shabbat Morning – Saturday Morning Services

  • Shabbat Mishpacha* – 3rd Saturday of the month – 10:00a.m.
  • Traditional Shacharit/Torah/Musaf – 9:30a.m.

*Sometimes Shabbat Mishpacha is replaced by a B-Mitzvah service, which is a traditional Shabbat Morning Service.

Daily Minyan Services

  • Weekday Mornings – 7:30a.m.
  • Sundays & Federal Holidays – 9:00a.m.
  • Weekday Evenings (upon request) – 7:45p.m.
  • Saturday Evenings (upon request) – at Havdalah (varies each week) 

*Check calendar for times.

Shabbat Services – Evening and Morning

“More than Jews have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jews,” wrote the poet and philosopher Ahad Ha’am (Asher Ginsberg) Here at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael, Shabbat is the joyous holiday we love to celebrate each week. Our services are filled with beautiful Hebrew davening (chanting), songs and powerful English and Hebrew prayers. Our congregants love to sing along with our Cantorial Soloist Ben Rosenbach and Rabbi Finkelstein, and some of the melodies we sing were written specially for Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael. At Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat Alive on Friday nights, Rabbi Rubin delivers a D’Var Torah (word of Torah), making the weekly Torah portion relevant for our lives today. At Shabbat morning services on Saturdays, she leads the congregation in a study and discussion about one or more specific verses in the portion.

We hope you will join us in celebrating Shabbat throughout the year! All of our Shabbat services are also streamed to Zoom, so that congregants may attend from home or anywhere they are traveling.

Shabbat Alive!

On the first Friday of the month, at 6:30 pm, we have our very special, once-a-month musical, family-friendly Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat service – Shabbat Alive! Over the course of the school year, many of our religious school students and classes help to lead the service. We also have community-wide celebrations at Shabbat Alive, including “Back to Shul” in the fall, our New Member Shabbat in December, and Todah Morim v’Morot, our Teacher Thank You service in May. It is a great opportunity for community members of all ages to celebrate Shabbat in song together.

Special Shabbatot

Do you love Debbie Friedman music? Are you a cub scout, girl scout, boy scout, venturer or sea scout? Do you want to celebrate Pride month, disability awareness and inclusion? Throughout the year we have special themed Shabbat evening services, with congregational participation, special music and relevant Divrei Torah (words of Torah). These are frequently, but not always, on the monthly Shabbat Alive service. Sometimes these are preceded by a congregational dinner. We invite all to join in the fun!Fin

Shabbat Mishpacha – Family Shabbat Morning Service

Once each month, generally on the third Shabbat of the month, our Shabbat morning service is transformed into a teaching and learning service. This abbreviated service gives families a chance to become comfortable with the flow of the service, and to connect more personally to the words and meanings of the prayers. We read from and learn about the weekly parashah (Torah portion) and students have the opportunity to practice their prayer-leading skills!

Sometimes our Shabbat Mishpacha service is replaced by the celebration of a B-Mitzvah. Please check the calendar for upcoming dates.

Daily Minyanim – Morning and Evening Services

As a congregation, we are committed to providing a daily morning minyan service, every day, 365 days a year. These are at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. on Sundays and Federal holidays. We also provide evening minyan services at 7:45 p.m. (at Havdalah on Saturday nights) upon request. When a mourner desires to fulfill the mitzvah of reciting Mourner’s Kaddish for their loved one, we send out a minyan assurance request, to ensure that the required minyan quorum is present. Our post-B-Mitzvah teens help, as well, by serving on the TBAY Minyan Assurance Crew. Daily minyan and evening minyan services are on Zoom, so there are no dress code and no commute – and family members from anywhere in the world can and do participate.