Shabbat Shalom: B’ha’alotcha

Posted on June 21, 2024

Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat Greetings:

Torah Question of the Week: Have you ever been dissatisfied with something you had previously liked, even if it had not actually changed? What prompted your change in attitude? In this week’s Torah portion, the Israelites get sick of the mana God provides for them and then get sick of the meat God provides, too they complain and want to return to slavery in Egypt. What do you do when you change your mind about something you are receiving? How do you reverse course?

Please join us for Shabbat Services this week: Friday night is our Broadway Shabbat at 8:00 p.m. We will be bidding farewell to Harvey Brenner, our Executive Director, as he retires. It will also be my last Friday night at TBAY and Cantor Ben & I have some wonderful fun planned! Our service on Saturday morning will be at its usual 9:30 a.m. time. Services are multi-access – both in person and on Zoom. Details are in your Shabbat Preview.

Shabbat Shalom!

— Rabbi Rubin : )