Shabbat Shalom: Lech L’Cha & Solidarity Shabbat

Posted on October 27, 2023

Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat Greetings:

Torah Question of the Week: When you have moved, what did you need to do to embrace your new location? Is it harder to do this if the move is not your choice? In this week’s portion, God tells Avram to leave his father’s house and go to the place that God will show him. Avram makes the land of Canaan his home… and this land is still our home today. What makes a place home for you?

It is Worldwide Masorti Solidarity Shabbat this week. We will join synagogues from around the globe, as we stand against evil and hatred in solidarity with Israel and with all the victims of the Hamas terror attack and the ensuing war. We will also pause and remember the Tree of Life-Or L’Simcha Congregation shooting in Pittsburgh five years ago, which was the greatest act of violent antisemitism in the United States to date. Please join us, either in person or online.

Services are at 8:00 p.m. on Friday night and at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. All of our services are multi-access – both in person and on Zoom. Details are in your Shabbat Preview.

Shabbat Shalom!

— Rabbi Rubin : )