What we discussed: B’ha’alotcha

Posted on June 12, 2023

Shalom TBAY!

Wondering what we discussed this past Shabbat? Here is a link to Friday Night’s D’Var Torah: The Gift of Accommodation. Many thanks to Ari and Ben Scherzer for their wonderful job leading Friday’s service!

On Saturday morning, as always, our Men’s Club members led a fantastic Men’s Club Shabbat service! Many thanks to Rabbi Mallach for putting it all together! Leading davening and prayers were Mariano Blanco, David Brooks, Bernie Flashberg, Howard Gerber, David Glass, Gene Gorrin, Larry Greenberg, Larry Horwitz, Rabbi Mallach, Brian Margulies, Elliot Merkin, Larry Needleman, Nate Rajs, Peter Schvarcz, and Steve Taub. Ken Melman chanted the entire Torah portion, Paul Peyser chanted Haftarah, and Glenn Wohl delivered a great D’Var Torah. You can read Glenn’s D’Var Torah here. Yasher koach to each and every one of you!

On Saturday evening, our Bar Mitzvah Reid Huber did a wonderful job! He delivered a powerful D’Var Torah on the Mincha Torah portion, Parashat Sh’lach. You can read Reid’s D’Var Torah here. Reid also gave a presentation about MrBeast, a person he believes to be a modern-day prophet. You can read Reid’s Modern-Day Prophet Talk here. Mazal Tov again to Reid and his family!

Shavua Tov!

— Rabbi Rubin : )