Posted on February 11, 2023
Shalom TBAY!
Wondering what we discussed this past Shabbat? Here is a link to Friday Night’s D’Var Torah: Give What They Need, Not What You Want.
I mentioned Jewish Federations and the work they do to vet organizations doing important work on the ground after disasters such as the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria. You can learn more about their global humanitarian aid partners here.
On Saturday, we discussed the test God put to the Israelites in giving them the Ten Commandments at Sinai – and what was its purpose. Was the test the fire and smoke and thunder and shofar blasts? Or was it the commandments themselves? What was the purpose? To see if the Israelites would accept the commandments? To make sure they had experienced the awesome power of God first-hand? Did the Israelites pass the test? What’s the lesson for us now? What do you think? Here is a link to the Source Sheet.
Shavua Tov!
— Rabbi Rubin : )