Posted on July 19, 2021
Shalom TBAY!
We had a great time at the Shabbat in the Lot at the JCC on Friday night! We’re glad so many people were able to join us in person and online.
On Saturday, we discussed Moses’ retelling the Israelites – the descendants of those who left Egypt – the stories of their travels, as well as the reiteration of the laws. We considered whether the purpose was to help them understand laws they had not understood or followed and we discussed the determination of our sages that they were said in 70 languages. (One interesting perspective is that this is so that everyone reading it will understand Torah in their native tongue.) You can read the Source Sheet here.
Many thanks to those people who helped us have a very meaningful Tisha b’Av – Rabbi Simon Rosenbach, Paul Peyser, David Glass and members of Ahavas Sholom.
Shavua Tov!
— Rabbi Rubin : )